Vision, Mission, & Approach

Our Vision

The Eastside celebrated as a unique, vibrant, and inclusive cultural destination.

EastHUB believes that the only way to truly achieve this vision is if arts and culture on the Eastside are championed and developed in a way that embraces the diversity that makes the Eastside distinctive.

Our Mission

To engage our diverse community to create a shared future for arts and culture on the Eastside.

A shared future where shared spaces, shared resources and shared services allow the arts and culture ecosystems to go further together than we can by ourselves. This future can only be built on effective partnerships that are inclusive of the multiracial, multicultural, and ethnically diverse richness that makes the Eastside so special.

With The Playhouse at Cloudvue as its cornerstone, EastHUB is intentionally building our business plan, programming, and organization to help arts and culture groups operate with less in-house infrastructure, reduced cost burdens, availability of equitable spaces, and more time to create the experiences our community wants and needs.

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